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Who else was jealous of Belle's library? It would be a dream to have a library like that in my house. I would never leave! Just bring me some coffee, and I'll be just fine!

Today I'm sharing some books I've read lately. These are all from 2018, but I would love to share my favorites of 2017 if that is something y'all would like to see. Before we start, I want to tell you all HOW I read. I have a Kindle Paperwhite, and I LOVE it. It's so nice to have all my books in one place. I can throw it in my purse, and always have it when I get a moment to read. I purchase my Kindle books on Amazon, and they have great deals.

I also use some websites that email me book sale alerts DAILY. These deals are available through Amazon and a number of other websites where you can get e-books. These have been a complete lifesaver for me. I've found so many favorite books, and each book is never more than $5! I will link those below in case you are interested. I definitely think you should take advantage of them. Just click the link, sign up, and you can even choose which genres you're interested in getting alerts for. If you're not interested in getting ALL of them like me (a crazy book lady), then I would recommend BookBub and GoodReads Deals.

Speaking of GoodReads, click here if you'd like to be friends! I always check GoodReads for reviews before I buy a book, and I add books to my 'Want to Read' list so I don't forget about them.

One more thing! I am in this lovely little book club on Facebook. It was started by Ashley Spivey (you'll remember her from Brad's second season of The Bachelor). It is FULL of great book recommendations. Just go to your Facebook search bar, and search "Spivey's Book Club".

Okay, now we will get on to what makes all of us bookworms VERY excited!

The Last Mrs. Parrish - This is the first book I read in 2018. I've seen this book everywhere, and I knew I had to read it. This book is about a woman (Amber) who weasels her way into the marriage of a very wealthy, successful couple (Jackson & Daphne Parrish). Amber's whole life is a complete fabrication she's created to try to steal Jackson Parrish away from his wife and two daughters. Amber befriends sweet, unassuming Daphne, and they slowly become best friends. I won't give it away, but about halfway through the book, the author slaps you with a twist so hard you won't ever see it coming! This book was definitely my type, because I am all about a twisty thriller!

The Break Down - This book is similar to the previous one in that it's very twisty, and you don't see what's coming next. The main character (Cass) is driving home one stormy night when she passes a woman in a car on the side of the road. The next morning Cass hears that someone was murdered on that same road the night before. This book is all about who was murdered, what Cass has to do with it, and what actually happened that night. Then the author throws in some situations where we can't tell if something is really happening or if Cass is actually imagining it. I would recommend!

Aurora Teagarden Mysteries - Have you ever heard of a cozy mystery? I discovered this genre a couple of years ago, and I love it! Cozy mysteries generally consist of a funny, nosy main character who usually works in a bookstore or a bakery and owns a mischievous cat who helps her solve mysteries. These are cute and lighthearted, and a nice break from psychological thrillers or heavier novels. This series is one of my favorites! These aren't quite as cheesy as some of the books you can come across. I definitely do not recommend all cozy mysteries. A few more that I love are the Sweet Cove Series and the Cape Bay Mysteries.

The Kind Worth Killing - This is probably my favorite book of 2018. It starts with two people (Ted and Lily) meeting in an airport. They're having drinks, and Ted jokes about wanting to kill his wife. Lily takes it seriously and offers to help Ted. Don't worry; this is in the book synopsis, so it's not a spoiler. The book takes us through the lives of Ted and Lily before and after they meet in the airport. It switches between different characters' points of view, and it definitely has many many many twists! In the middle of the book, something happens that just blew my mind, and the story takes a whole different turn. I loved this book, and in my opinion, the ending was so twisted that it was perfect!

Why Not Me - I love Mindy Kaling. I love her on The Office, and I just love her in general. I read her first book, and I liked it. This is very similar to that one in that it's a collection of different funny stories and bits of advice. This is not the typical book that I usually like to read. I prefer fast-paced books, but this was nice for a little change. I don't read a ton of memoirs, but I enjoyed this one. Mostly for the stories about Steve Carell.

I hope y'all enjoyed this! I love talking about books, so I would love to hear about some that you've loved recently in the comments! I'm planning on doing a post on my favorite books of 2017 soon, so stay tuned for that. Thank you all so much for stopping by!

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